
One-on-One Instruction:

This page is for those who have spoken with Tim Barrage about having one-on-one instruction in their own home.

This training is separate from the Basics of Pistol Shooting Classroom.

Instruction will be tailored to your abilities.

This instruction could include:
*Family Firearm Safety (storage options, safety plans, etc)
*Honing firearms handling skills.
*Learning about your newly purchased firearm.
*Setting up a virtual range in your home.
*Drawing from a holster.
*Shooting while moving.
*Reloading from cover.
*Trying out tools for in-home practice (dry-fire practice using: SIRT pistols, MantisX, L.A.S.R software, LaserAmmo, & BarrelBlok)

One-on-One Firearms Instruction

If you have scheduled a date & time for your Instruction, this is the place to make a payment.

Thank you for choosing to get your firearms instruction from Barrage of Shots Firearms Training!

Deposit covers two full hours of one-on one instruction.

Confirm Date Scheduled:
Confirm Location:

If you haven’t scheduled your one-on-one session yet, please fill out this form and Tim Barrage will be in contact to nail down the particulars:

One-on-one Instruction

  • at my home
  • at my range
  • learn about safe handling
  • learn about safe storage
  • get better results
  • try out some guns
  • buy a gun