

Tim Barrage

…is the Chief Instructor for BOSFT. He started out as a Boy Scout – shooting rifles at camp, and continued into competitions with shotguns, rifles, and pistols.

Tim has always believed in the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared,” but until the last few years he was always concerned that he was not as prepared as he wanted to be.

Tim considered getting a concealed handgun license years ago. Unfortunately, and mainly due to the laws concerning CCW being extremely restrictive, Tim found that these laws were counterproductive to his interest in remaining a law-abiding citizen. More recently, the laws have become more favorable, which led him to go through the process of obtaining his concealed handgun license.

Tim wanted to learn more, and share his excitement about shooting with others. After leaving a career of twenty years in community corrections, he became certified by the NRA in Basics of Pistol Shooting as an Instructor. He then established his new firearms instruction business – Basics of Shooting Firearms Training. You may see other versions of what BOS stands for, and you may as well come up with others. Tim seems to always be working on a new meaning for the initials.

Speaking of training programs throughout the state of Ohio, classes are available from an unbelievable number of instructors. Tim asked around to see who his friends were considering for their training. Some had great reviews, most had former military personnel, others had attorneys as their main instructors. But the criteria that Tim’s friends were using was NOT “which instructor would give me the best and most useful training?” The question was, “which of these is the cheapest and easiest to get licensed?” State law does not require an applicant to fully understand the laws involved with concealed carry. The State requires very little mindset education, and even less legal discussion. Knowing where he stood legally took some time, and it also led him to several experts in the field. Tim encourages his students to fully understand the civilian aspects of firearm ownership. Tim takes time during his classes to initiate conversations about legal issues. His primary goal during these discussions is to get the participant thinking of the full picture as it relates to lawful gun ownership and what it means to be a concealed carrier.

Tim believes strongly that you should plan and prepare on a continual objective goal to become more than just proficient. BOSFT offers the hands-on sections of the training in your home, and the range portion at the range of your choosing (within a 50 mile radius of Creston, Ohio). This should be the range that you will go to on a regular basis. Be assured that you will receive all of the one-on-one instruction, practice, and encouragement that you need to reach the goal of safe, skillful, and knowledgeable use of your firearm.

The bottom line? If you are new to firearms ownership; or have owned a firearm for some time, but it has done little more than acquire dust in a safe; or you are paying attention to the recent troubling times and are considering owning a firearm; you should educate yourself. Get training on how to use this tool. Get training on how to prepare your family and your home against attack. Get trained and encourage others to do the same. Your right to own a firearm is being questioned. Your ability to defend yourself or your loved ones is being attacked. Take action now!

Today, Tim provides training with a focus on the student. He wants to help students learn about firearms and firearm safety in a non-judgmental atmosphere. He wants his students to have the tools to train effectively, without having to spend a lot of money. He wants his students to be able to hit what they are aiming at, and feel confident that they will be able to do so when stakes are high.

Tim continues to compete with The International Defensive Pistol Association (in local matches) and is the Match Director at the Defensive Pistol Matches held in Canal Fulton OH. Having earned his NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Certification as well as being a certified Safety Officer with the International Defensive Pistol Association, he continues to volunteer his time to encourage new shooters to get involved. You should ask him about attending one of these matches. You will be glad you did.

Barrage of Shots Firearms Training is located in Northeast Ohio. Creston is the base of operations and the epicenter for scheduling home and range appointments.

Contact Information:

email:[email protected]